Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A word from Warren Buffett

On November 25, Buffett announced a contribution of a little over $1.14 billion in Berkshire Hathaway shares to three foundations managed by his children. In the BH news release, he offered the following recommendation to parents of adult children: 

I have one further suggestion for all parents, whether they are of modest or staggering wealth. When your children are mature, have them read your will before you sign it. Be sure each child understands both the logic for your decisions and the responsibilities they will encounter upon your death. 

If any have questions or suggestions, listen carefully and adopt those found sensible. You don’t want your children asking “Why?” in respect to testamentary decisions when you are no longer able to respond. Over the years, I have had questions or commentary from all three of my children and have often adopted their suggestions. There is nothing wrong with my having to defend my thoughts. My dad did the same with me.

Updates on Federal and state limits

 Last last year, the IRS announced the annual updates to certain key figures:  $13.99 million - the lifetime per-person estate and gift tax ...