Friday, March 8, 2024

"Ghost Hacking" - a new BOLO

A relatively new way cyberthieves steal wealth is by taking over the identities of people after they die, an act known as ghosting or ghost hacking - searching for news that someone recently died, such as through online memorials and death notices, then hack into and take over his social media accounts, email accounts, etc. 

Forbes - How to Protect Your Estate and Loved Ones From Ghost Hacking

Sunday, March 3, 2024

EPIC cost of living adjustments

 The state Treasurer has issued the updated cost-of-living adjustments to the several dollar amounts specified in EPIC, as follows: 

The spreadsheet that displays the historical figures is found at 

Over the line

 NPR describes the experiences of those who inadvertently ended up disqualifying themselves from SSI and other programs managed by the Soci...