Friday, March 8, 2024

"Ghost Hacking" - a new BOLO

A relatively new way cyberthieves steal wealth is by taking over the identities of people after they die, an act known as ghosting or ghost hacking - searching for news that someone recently died, such as through online memorials and death notices, then hack into and take over his social media accounts, email accounts, etc. 

Forbes - How to Protect Your Estate and Loved Ones From Ghost Hacking

Sunday, March 3, 2024

EPIC cost of living adjustments

 The state Treasurer has issued the updated cost-of-living adjustments to the several dollar amounts specified in EPIC, as follows: 

The spreadsheet that displays the historical figures is found at 

Estate planning for digital assets

1Password, a tech company that sells a password storage app, has published a new guide called How to get started with digital estate plannin...