Saturday, January 2, 2021

Help for impending or recent death

 A Beginners Guide to the End is a book published in 2019 by Shoshana Berger and Dr. B.J. Miller which, the authors say, offers "Practical advice for facing death and living life." It has separate US and UK editions. The authors have a web site where you can read a preview excerpt from the book. The site's Resources page, by itself, is well worth perusing, and it includes links to sites that we have mentioned before.  

From the description: 

A Beginner's Guide to the End covers everything from will-making to making peace with your dysfunctional family. You’ll be walked through how to break the news to your employer, whether or not to share old secrets, how to hack the hospital for a better stay, what questions to ask your doctor (even uncomfortable ones, like whether or not sex is still ok), what to put in your "When I Die" file, and how to leave a letter that leaves a mark. There are also lessons for survivors, like how shut down a loved one’s social media accounts, clean out the house, and write a great eulogy. 

Dr. Miller is described as a palliative care and hospice physician, and in 2015 gave a TED talk called What Really Matters at the End of Life. 

This is useful for those facing an impending death and for survivors alike. 

Updates on Federal and state limits

 Last last year, the IRS announced the annual updates to certain key figures:  $13.99 million - the lifetime per-person estate and gift tax ...